воскресенье, 8 января 2012 г.

UW researcher wins $3M federal grant - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

The grant from the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences will allow Heinrichy to employ academic staff and at leas four graduate students each year to work on expandiny the project ootherd cities. Heinrich will continue an evaluatiomn of the tutoring program MPS offers as part ofthe district'ws fulfillment of the federal No Child Left Behind law. The law requires public schools that have not adequatelyg increased student academic achievemeng for three years to offef childrenin low-income families the opportunity to receive extra academic assistance such as tutoring.
Heinrich's initial research found that Milwaukee'sa federally mandated and funded tutorinvg program is not necessarily reaching the people who need themost help, nor is it effectivwe in increasing student achievement. "Our preliminary resultz suggest that the students in the tutoring programsz are not performing any betteron Wisconsin's standardized testsd than eligible students not involved with the tutoring," Heinricj said. Heinrich and her co-workers have been conductingg the MPS study sinceApril 2006. The next phases will involve five urban school districts infour states: Minneapolis, Chicago, Dallas and Austin, Texas.

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